Khaki 2018 Update


At Khaki 2017, we committed to devoting 100 sprints of engineering capacity to the priorities selected by the group. We’re on track to accomplish that and have already delivered some of the projects. However, now that we’ve had an opportunity to do more detailed analysis, we know some of the projects will require more engineering effort than we originally estimated (based on the limited time and info we had during the 1-day Khaki event) and fall outside the 100 sprint capacity.


In this update, I have listed below the projects that will consume the 100 sprints of engineering work and will be delivered by InstructureCon 2018, as indicated by original prioritization. However, we’re not stopping at 100 sprints or InstCon 2018. Some projects could not completely fit within the 100 sprint scope, but we believe they are important enough to allocate additional resources for their completion.


Finally, there are some projects that have been deferred due to their size or have become unnecessary because of other projects. I’ve listed those as well.


100 Sprints Delivered by InstCon 2018

1. Admin Role Granular Permissions part 1
  (New user interface to understand and manage the assignment of roles)
July 2018
2. Canvas Content Duplication
  Module Items
  Quizzes.Next (accomplished through the copy assignment feature)


July 2017

July 2017

October 2017

November 2017

July 2018

June 2018

5. Large Course: Sections/Groups

  Section-Specific Announcements

  Section-Specific Discussions


March 2018

June 2018

6. Page View Mobile Activity June 2018
10. Mobile: Camera Access for Embedded Images




Bonus (Delivered after InstCon 2018)

1. Admin Role Granular Permissions part 2—breaking out create/edit/delete permissions (to be added permission by permission)
3. Student Feedback View
4. Advanced Reports
7. Rich Content Editor: File/Image Drag & Drop - Canvas Release Notes (2018-11-17)
9. Commons: Preview Activities and Content
12. SpeedGrader Screen Recorder



8. Canvas Course Global Search

11. Course Archive Process

13. Large Course: Grading

14. Roles/Permissions Masquerade

15. Elementary UX


As always, we welcome your continued input directly, through the product team, via your CSM, or in any way you can get it to us. I can be reached directly at