Thoughts on #canvasintel17

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

It's no agency secret - I think the Canvas Intel Exchange‌ is pretty awesome. When I was approached by "The"  @kona ‌ to help organize the event, I jumped at the opportunity. I'm not sure why she asked me, although I think it was my charmingly good looks, but it does go to show that you don't have to have a lot of Canvas knowledge to have a voice and drive change! (That's a topic for another day!).

What many people don't know is that there were many, many hours put into this event. The organizers -  @kona ‌,  @BethCrook ‌,  @garth ‌, MLentini‌, and myself - are spread out all across the country. We met virtually for the months and weeks leading up to canvasintel17‌ so that we could (hopefully) bring an amazingly collaborative event to the folks of this fine Community.

Now - enough back story. How did the morning go?

I am blown away by the people who showed up! Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to sit in on any of the conversations, so you will have to wait for those blogs to hit The Community. But the people! I had the privilege of manning the welcome/registration table and just the smiling faces of the people who had already registered, or the inquisitive eyes of the folks who just walked up asking "What's this about - and can I join you?" What started as 5 people spread across the United States, hoping to connect and learn from other Community members over a few hours turned into sixty-five people representing four countries (that I know of) and both Higher-Ed AND K12, in one spot, collaborating on all things Canvas! Does it get any better than that!?!

So, to those who came this morning - thank you! You made the Intel Exchange a success! For anyone unable to attend - watch for the blogs! We are encouraging everyone who attended to blog about what they learned - and I hope they do. Also check out the hash tag on twitter - #canvasintel17. Now - for the rest of‌!