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Canvas Data Release Notes (2018-02-27)

Canvas Data Release Notes (2018-02-27)

In this production release of Canvas Data the schema version will be bumped to 2.0.0. Conference and a new file table have been added to the data set along with new fields added to current tables. The new schema has been attached to this post to help accommodate change. This change version will go live on the March 13, 2018 data dump.

The submission_comment_participant_fact and submission_comment_participant_dim tables are being fully removed from the Canvas Data schema. The announcement of the deprecation occurred in the release notes


  Added Tables



Measures for conferences

conference_idbigintForeign key to the conference dimension table
group_idbigintForeign key to the group if this conference was associated with a group
course_idbigintForeign key to the course if this conference was associated with a course
account_idbigintForeign key to the account if this conference was associated with an account
durationdouble precisionLength of conference session


Attributes for conferences

idbigintUnique surrogate identifier for the score
canvas_idbigintPrimary key for this conference in the web_conferences table
titlevarchar256The title of the conference
conference_typevarchar256The type of conference (e.g. BigBlueButton, AdobeConnect)
group_idbigintForeign key to the group if this conferences was associated with a group
course_idbigintForeign key to the course if this conference was associated with an course
account_idbigintForeign key to the account if this conference was associated with an account
start_attimestampThe time the conference was scheduled to begin
started_attimestampThe time at which the conference actually started, null if it hasn't started
end_attimestampThe time at which the conference was scheduled to start
ended_attimestampThe time at which this conference actually ended, null if it hasn't ended
created_attimestampTime when the conference was created
updated_attimestampTime when the conference was last updated 


Measures for conference participants

conference_participant_idbigintForeign key to the conference participant
group_idbigintForeign key to the group if this conference was associated with a group
course_idbigintForeign key to the course if this conference was associated with a course
account_idbigintForeign key to the account if this conference was associated with an account
user_idbigintForeign key to the user who is the conference participant
conference_idbigintForeign key to the conference



Attributes for conference participants

idbigintUnique surrogate key for a conference participant
user_idbigintForeign key to the user who is the conference participant
conference_idbigintForeign key to the conference
participation_typevarchar256Type of participation, ('invitee' or 'attendee'
created_attimestampTime when the conference participant was created

Time when the conference participant was last updated 


A junction table that associates files and submissions. This table fixed a bug where the submission_id was no longer being populated within the file_dim table which made it impossible to differentiate between assignment files, user files, or course files.

submission_file_idbigintUnique surrogate key for the file-submission association
file_idbigintForeign key to the file in this association
submission_idbigintForeign key to the submission in this association
assignment_idbigintForeign key to the assignment the submission is associated with
user_idbigintForeign key to the user who uploaded this file
grader_idbigintForeign key to the user who graded the submission in this assocation
course_idbigintForeign key to course associated with the submission.
enrollment_term_idbigintForeign key to enrollment term associated with the submission's course


  Added Columns


external_tool_idbigint   Foreign key to the external tool activation if this assignment uses an external tool for submissions


Name TypeDescription
external_tool_idbigintForeign key to the external tool activation if this assignment uses an external tool for submissions


syllabus_bodytextContent of the syllabus for this course.

  Removed and Deprecated Tables


This table is no longer populated in Canvas, and as such is no longer populating current data. The removal and deprecation of this table was announced in the 


This table is no longer populated in Canvas, and as such is no longer populating current data. The removal and deprecation of this table was announced in the 


This table is no longer populated in Canvas, and as such is no longer populating current data. This will be removed in a future version of Canvas Data, and all consumers should move off of this.


This table is no longer populated in Canvas, and as such is no longer populating current data. This will be removed in a future version of Canvas Data, and all consumers should move off of this.

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