Share the Joy | March 2019 Blogging Challenge

Community Team
Community Team

We received some outstanding blogs from the Reflect and Celebrate challenge. Let’s keep the momentum and share even more wonderful resources! This is the second of three planned blogging challenges in 2019. Get involved and enjoy the professional growth!




A community can uplift, support, and encourage. The joy you experience when you are part of something positive which is also bigger than yourself can be rewarding and motivating. Here’s a big question: which community helps you be you, or which community fuels your passion projects? It’s time to share the joy that you find surrounding you daily. In the next few weeks, take some time to write and share your stories with the Canvas Community!



Here are a few questions to inspire you as you begin to write. You do not need to answer all of the prompts; just pick what inspires you!

Part 1:

  • What does COMMUNITY mean to you?
  • Are you a part of a community (Canvas, work, or neighborhood)? What brought you there, or how did you initially get connected?
  • Is there someone part of your community who you admire? How does their involvement or their overall participation influence you?
  • What motivates you to be an active participant in your community or group?


Part 2:

  • Have you used Canvas in a way that helps you or your team reach a unique goal for your community?
  • Do you or does your team utilize Canvas in a way which is innovative or customized as you serve a specific community of learners?
  • Why do you value a project like this? How was COMMUNITY a motivating factor in this project’s completion?
  • How has your involvement impacted your life?


Between now and March 31st April 5th, set aside some time for some reflection and writing. To begin sharing your story, you will need to find the Meta Community Group. (If you aren’t already a member of this group, you will need to join the group in order to publish your blog post.) At the bottom of this introductory blog, you will see a button that says “Share the Joy”. After clicking, a template will be copied for you to use as you write your blog!


Please leave the Mar19 and Blogging Challenge tags intact when you publish your blog. These tags make it possible for all of the contributions for this particular blogging challenge to be found in one place, and for the blogs to be connected to one another. Also, if the tags are missing, you may not get the recognition you deserve or qualify for the rewards.


Participants who directly invite others to participate in the March Blogging Challenge via a “share” of their blog are eligible for bonus points. Participants must remember to include  @KristinL  in the “share” along with the intended recipient to receive the additional reward points. One recipient (plus Kristin) per share, please. Nobody likes spam!




All authors who submit a blog post on or before March 31st will receive 250 Community points and receive an exclusive badge added to their profile in the Canvas Community.  Please be patient as this badge and reward points will be awarded manually.


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Additional point prizes will also be rewarded


10 additional points = Each time a participant directly invites others to participate in the March Blogging Challenge via a “share” of their blog

250 additional points = Top 10 posts based on likes, views, bookmarks, shares, quality of comments, and the opinions of the Canvas Community Managers + Coaches

500 additional points = 1 Winner (from the Top 10) will be determined by a Community poll




  • March 31, 2019 April 5, 2019: All posts must be published in the Meta Group using the template linked to the “Write a Blog” button below to be considered for the TOP 10. Posts published after the deadline will be welcomed, but they will not be considered for this contest.
  • April 1, 2019 April 7, 2019 The top 10 blog posts will be announced in a poll and will be eligible for voting. Authors will have two weeks to increase the visibility and ranking of their blog. Share it, Tweet it, get people to read and rate it, comment on it, etc. to help surface your story to the top!
  • April 15, 2019 April 22, 2019: The overall winner will be announced.




Write a Blog

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