Insights - Pay it forward in the Canvas Community

Community Champion

I'm coming up to my first Canvas Community birthday and have lost count of the number of times I have delved in to learn something new, ask a question, meet new people, and share a laugh.

Isn't it great that we all have access to this treasure trove of goodness. This world where we can share ideas, problem solve, and make learning so much more fun for all the learners involved - including us teachers.

Then I discovered 'Insights' on my Canvas profile page. Now this seriously challenged me. I was surprised at how much of a consumer I was. So, I dipped my toe in the water and became more of a participant and realised that I didn't have to know all of the whizz-bang techy magic. I just needed to share my experience. Through doing that I have helped others and been helped myself. Paying it forward with sharing anecdotes, questions, provocations has not only made me a more active member of the Community but enriched me so much with the interactions that have come from these.

Here is my challenge to my fellow Community members - share an idea, ask a question, tell a story. Help to make it stronger, and more exciting.

“Because it proves that you don't need much to change the entire world for the better. You can start with the most ordinary ingredients. You can start with the world you've got.”
Catherine Ryan Hyde, Pay It Forward
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