A Place to Store Sample Feedback for Essay Questions

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


It would be wonderful if you were able to store sample feedback for essay questions.  I would like to be able to drag and drop or copy and paste the sample feedback right into the "Add a Comment" box.  Ideally I would enter this sample feedback when I write the essay question.  I would not want this to be something that the students could view unless I copy it into the "Add a Comment" box.  I would also like to  have all of the features of the Rich Content Editor for the sample feedback I write.


Thank you so much!


Comments from Instructure

This idea was completed with general availability of Quizzes.Next.  You can find more information about the overall project in the Quizzes.Next User Group.‌

  • Quizzes.Next is now available for all paid accounts.
  • Quizzes.Next documentation will live in the Quizzes.Next User Group until July 14, 2018. On July 14, 2018, all of the documentation will be moved to the Canvas Guides in the Canvas Instructor Guide or Canvas Student Guide
  • Quizzes.Next updates will be included in the Canvas Release Notes. This includes new features, updated features, and relevant fixed bugs. New and updated features will be deployed to Quizzes.Next near the same time as the Canvas release. Fixed bugs may be deployed at any time.
Community Novice

YES this would be AWESOME!

Community Novice

How do you VOTE for this? I dont see a place to do so anywhere...

Community Member

Thanks for checking out my suggestion!  Make sure to come back and vote on January 6th!  Thank you for your support! Smiley Happy

Community Member

They open the voting for new ideas the first Wednesday of every month so we have to wait until January.  I will remind our staff to vote when it opens.  Smiley Happy Thanks again!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

This idea has moved to the next stage and will be open for voting among the Canvas Community, from Wed. January 6, 2016 - Wed. April 6, 2016.

Check out this doc for additional details about how the voting process works!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello  @jfarris ​ and welcome to the community and thanks for the DM! I love your suggestion here! This would save so much time for teachers.

We currently have this feature idea " modifiedtitle="true" title="Ability to Save and Copy from Frequently Used Comments in Speedgrader/...​ which seems to be the same thing as what you are requesting. That idea has already been up for vote and has quite a bit of traction.

We try to avoid duplicate feature ideas so that we can channel all votes, and discussion about a particular feature to one, single thread. I would recommend that you copy + paste and add any additional comments to that existing feature idea and articulate the things that are important to you, if we were to build that feature. Would you be okay with us archiving this idea as a duplicate so that we can get everyone to rally behind that existing feature idea - ?

Community Member

Hi Jordan!

Thank you so much for your comment!  My idea is specifically about essay questions in a quiz which I believe would be a different place to store feedback than in the Speed Grader. Thank you for sharing " modifiedtitle="true" title="Ability to Save and Copy from Frequently Used Comments in Speedgrader/...

This sounds like a great idea a well! 

Smiley Happy Jessica

Community Champion

I like this idea (and have voted for it) because I like its ability to provide better grading consistency, and to provide examples to students. However, I am not too sure how this could be accomplished within the limited coding real estate in SpeedGrader which is a third-party tool.

There are several work-arounds that I would employ in the meantime:

  • Detailed grading rubrics with example text incorporated into the criteria and the ratings.
  • A separate page of examples that precedes the quiz in a module,
  • Examples incorporated into the instructions in the quiz itself,
  • A text-only question that precedes the essay question in the test.

I hope these help. I actually use some of these myself.


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Ahh... thank you for the clarification Jessica! Now I can see your feature idea is unique as it is focused specifically on essay questions in quizzes.

I can see that you've posted over on that other thread, which is great! You've got my vote, here!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Great solutions with the Canvas tools that are available today!

I was going to suggest another option, outside of Canvas. Of course you could use a word doc or something to house your comments and copy+paste. But I'm thinking more about a text shortcut tool like aText, the one I use every day (one of my favorite mac apps!)​  Or this seems to be a popular PC alternative - http://www.phraseexpander.com/

Here's a great site to see alternative software options across platforms - http://alternativeto.net/software/atext/

So with aText what I do is simply type in my text statement and give them a simple shortcut key combination that I can use in any app on my computer, including web browsers and Canvas, to be specific.

For example if I want to place some Lorem Ipsum on something I'm designing I simply type "baconip" and the following text is placed where my cursor was:

Bacon ipsum dolor amet tenderloin tail spare ribs drumstick pork chop. Ball tip brisket meatloaf ham hock. Kielbasa short loin short ribs leberkas brisket. Boudin tri-tip ground round, jowl cow beef ribs pork chop.

Cow tail pork loin meatloaf. Ham hock pig bresaola shankle doner hamburger. Shank hamburger leberkas drumstick picanha, short loin pork belly doner jerky meatloaf landjaeger biltong tenderloin shankle sirloin. Drumstick ham hock pork chop chuck sirloin. Ham hock alcatra pork belly cow pig short ribs, fatback tongue capicola sirloin hamburger ball tip brisket jerky. Short ribs fatback tenderloin meatloaf filet mignon brisket prosciutto pork belly chicken frankfurter shankle.

Sausage cupim pork belly tri-tip jerky. Filet mignon drumstick swine biltong. Strip steak rump cupim corned beef. Biltong short ribs frankfurter, turkey pig swine ham bacon rump sirloin jowl pork belly turducken ground round ham hock.

T-bone landjaeger cow doner swine capicola jerky kielbasa. Hamburger spare ribs venison, ground round chuck pork chop landjaeger pancetta. Kevin pork chop short ribs landjaeger pig beef ribs shoulder meatloaf pork belly turducken capicola kielbasa filet mignon tenderloin. Doner landjaeger boudin, ham pork loin pig bresaola cow tail swine bacon tri-tip porchetta frankfurter flank.

Sausage drumstick landjaeger meatloaf, andouille doner filet mignon salami turducken porchetta tri-tip.

Hopefully one of these external options or the ones that Kelley suggested can be helpful for you in the interim  @jfarris ​ et al!