UDOIT 2.8.0 "Gotha"

Community Champion

Release Information

It's here!  The final release of UDOIT 2.  Don't worry, though!  We are hard at work getting UDOIT 3 ready to go.  As with all feature releases, the one is named after a small town in Central Florida.  Gotha, FL was chosen because it is the final resting place of Bob Ross, who always reminded us that "There are no mistakes, only happy accidents."  This release contains a number of feature enhancements and bug fixes.  You can find more details at the UDOIT 2.8.0 release page.

Questions?  Issues?

If you have any questions or encounter any issues with UDOIT, please join the UCF Open Source Slack Organization and let us know in the #udoit channel.  Slack is the fastest way to get in touch with us, and helps us keep everything in one place.  However, you are welcome to ask questions about UDOIT 2.8.0 in the comments section of this article.

Community Champion

If you are currently using this version, please update to the latest bugfix release, UDOIT 2.8.2.  It fixes a major issue with scanning courses with large amounts of content.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Good morning, @tr_jbates ...

One of our IT staff just helped us update our UDOIT instance from 2.7.0 to 2.8.2.  (We will eventually update to 3.0.0 in the near future.)  We first update UDOIT in our Canvas "test" environment to make sure everything is working properly, and then we give our IT staff the "go ahead" to push those updates to "production".  I came across an oddity when using the "UDOIT Admin" button on the administrative side of Canvas, though.  And, I'm not exactly sure when this started happening...as it could have been several versions ago...just not sure.  In our "test" environment, I can click on the "Errors" tab, and then click on the green "Display Results" button, and I see the list of the most common errors from scans.  However, when I click on this same button in our Canvas "production" environment, nothing ever shows.  In chatting with our IT person, he was guessing there might be possible corruption in the database?  Any thoughts on how to remedy this?  And, would this be fixed when we move to 3.0.0?



Community Champion

@Chris_Hofer If you haven't already, please check your web server and UDOIT logs (found in config/log.log) to see if you can find any clues.  You can also check the Network tab in your browser's inspector to see what response the server provided when you tried to load that tab.  The only other thing I can think is to make sure you can the database migrations.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Thanks @tr_jbates.  Our IT guy was able to find the error, and he made a tweak to the memory allocation for the app.  The "Errors" screen is now working for us in "production".  😊

Community Member

Hi all,

Our TLT team notes that we are receiving errors regarding nested headings. Specifically, we're told that all of our pages fail the "Heading levels should not be skipped" rule because they supposedly begin structurally with <h2>.

We've run numerous manual and automated reviews that indicate that <h1> is in the right place in the document structure, and that our other headings are properly nested. Looks very much like a false positive--any ideas on this?

T.M. Weissenberger, University of Iowa

Community Champion

@todd-weissenber What version are you using? You can find the version number in the top-right of the UDOIT banner.  There was a bug in 2.8.0 that created false positives on that test.  It was fixed in 2.8.1, but I would recommend updating to 2.8.3.  If you are using 2.8.3 already, please provide a sample of the code that is generating the false positive so I can take a look.