[ARCHIVED] Types of CANVAS Collaborations

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I am new to CANVAS Collaborations and wanted to have my students work on a Presentation together but I cannot see any way for them to design anything except for a Google Document. The guides seem to indicate I can select the Type of document but nowhere can I find that. Is that something that the students have access to when they get the assignment to work on a Collaboration?

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Community Champion

Hi  @ltyler ‌ - To add to what  @nwilson7 ‌ has stated regarding the ability to use either Google Apps or Microsoft O365, it is possible that your institution opted to not add Google Apps as an LTI (as it's called....) and instead are using just plain old Google Docs.  This is referenced at the beginning online lesson on Collaborations here:  How do I use the Collaborations Index Page?  It sounds like you are only seeing the ability to add a Google Doc, and that is pointed out in this online lesson:  How do I create a Google Docs collaboration as an instructor?  As that states at the beginning, a Google Docs collaboration is a wee bit different from a Google Drive collaboration.  I believe one of the issues with an institution switching from one to the other is that faculty would lose all existing collaborations if when the switch-over is made, so there may be good reasons why your institution has chosen to remain with Google Drive.  The bottom line, I think, is that you should check with your local institution about this first, and then they can consult with the Canvas engineers regarding the pros/cons of making a switch-over from Docs to Drive....and when.

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