[ARCHIVED] Unlocking quizzes based on other quiz scores

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Hello!  A game-changer for me would be an option to require students to complete quizzes with multiple attempts as a prerequisite to taking the final, graded quiz. 

The idea is that students MUST do the practice (homework) before being able to unlock the final, or summative (graded) test or quiz.   Not only do I want my students do do the practice, I want them to take them with multiple attempts until reaching mastery of lesson.

I do know there is a prerequisite option for opening modules, but is there a way to set it up that students would have to receive a certain score on quizzes to unlock another quiz?

Thanks for any suggestions.  

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1 Solution
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Community Team

Hello there,  @sruiz2 .  Happy New Year!  I'm not sure if this will *completely* answer your question, but instead of prerequisites, have you looked at module requirements?  It seems like you'd be able to set specific quiz scores that a student would need to achieve before moving on if you used requirements.  Here is a Guide that might help: How do I add requirements to a module?.  Sing out if you have any other questions about this...thanks!

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