Canvas Settings Feature Ideas

Community Champion


I'm sure that we all have horror stories about people changing settings and chaos ensuing!  Thus, In Permissions, Separate Manage (add/edit/delete) courses into 3 permissions posted by Susan Hicks (UCF-CDL)

Need and Rationale

As admins, we need the course settings page to be more granular than just "manage courses". We already have these settings for Don't let teachers rename their courses in the Account settings (not in permissions) and we would like to be able to make these choices at the account and subaccount level just like that setting. When faculty can change many of the settings, they can impact students unknowingly.  Many times, instructors have no need to be messing with these settings.  Also, faculty get overwhelmed by the number of options available and this would make the page more user friendly. 

Other things would be the ability to set institution defaults so that the faculty have the flexibility to change if they so desire, but at least the majority of users would not need to update certain settings. 

Canvas Settings Feature Ideas

Feature IdeaStatusRelated Ideas or Response from Instructure
" modifiedtitle="true" title="Make the top level discussion options individual discussion settingsOpen for Voting until June 1
" modifiedtitle="true" title="Separate the Discussion Student Edit/Delete settings into two options ...Open for Voting until June 1
Open for Voting until April 6
Open for Voting until June 1

Other settings-related documents and discussions

Hiding LTI Links from Course Navigation

How to set the course details page as read only for faculty??

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