[ARCHIVED] Terminology and Accuracy Of Transcript

Community Member

Transcript terminology and creation inaccurate (please see attached).

In order for courses to display within Completed segment on the transcript, the Canvas Course Settings need to have have "restrict students from viewing after end date" UNchecked. However, the system definition of Completed appears to mean the start/end date of the course is completed. If our courses had requirements or prerequisites, would a course still display as Completed based on end date? 

In Scenario C of the example, the participant did not successfully complete the course because 2 assignments were not submitted. Even entering a zero for each assignment, the participant had a "passing" grade. However, it is a requirement for all assignments to be submitted. i.e. not submit = no pass, no matter what the grade column indicates.

What can we do to produce an accurate transcript? Can the PDF Transcript button be disabled until we find a fix? If we check "restrict students from viewing after end date", no "completed" courses are listed which isn't accurate either.

Disclaimer: I only have limited rights between our Canvas and Catalog subaccounts. Open to suggestions on required adjustment to settings in order for accurate transcripts to be produced by the system.

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