[Announcements] Announcement Area ReDesign

Right now both Global Announcements and Course Announcements become easily cluttered. It would be beneficial, especially where Global Announcements are concerned, if we had a way to archive or keep announcements sorted. Three areas: Posted/Live, Pending, Archived.


I would like to see an "Archive" area for announcements, well, everywhere:


  • For Students who have seen the announcement but don't want to delete it in case they need to refer back to it later.
  • For Teachers who copy courses forward and might want to re-use (the content of) an announcement but do not want them listed/seen by the students in the course.
  • For Admins who want to clean up the Campus-wide Announcement Area but do not want to delete the announcements that have been posted. [Especially as the Announcements are now part of the university communication and need to be kept for 5 years. Our current Global Announcements area has about 30 "old" announcements cluttering the page.]



This would be the area where announcements that are within their open and end dates would be. Once the end date has passed it could move to Archive.



It would be helpful on all announcements to see a "Pending" label for those that have been created but not actually sent/posted (globally or in a course). It would be nice if these could also be editable.


Finally, in the Global Announcements area, it would be nice if the announcements could be collapsed and just show the title and the open and close date. Currently, the entire announcement, for each announcement posted or set to post, appears on the page. This makes for one very long page.

Additional item added on July 205, 2019: Add ability to sort Global Announcements by creation date or posting date. Date sort for both options should be ascending and descending.

Added to Theme

Community Coach
Community Coach

Deactivated user​, does this mean I need to re-submit two or three Ideas that unbundle it and go through the voting process again or that you are going to handle it internally on your side and this request will be promoted to Phase 3 (gathering info)?

If I need to put in new requests, I would like to create them before the next voting period begins next week.


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni


My preference would be to use this idea to explore and define what the problems are. I will an interpret a vote to mean that people are experiencing similar issues. Once we have a short list, we may consider unbundling and opening them up as separate ideas. How does that sound?

Community Coach
Community Coach

That works for me. Thank you.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

To assist in the organization of Global Announcements I'm hopeful that this feature idea about displaying a start date for a global announcement will be taken into consideration:

Community Contributor

Here at the University of Michigan our instructors could definitely use a more nuanced view of announcements, particular a way to distinguish as a glance (without having to use the test student) which announcements are pending and which are already visible to students.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

We are working on a redesign for Global Announcements right now that we hope will address the some of the concerns mentioned here. Would anyone on this thread be interested in looking at our designs during the next week? If so, please email me: allison@instructure.com Thanks!

Community Team
Community Team

Follow Canvas Studio: Global Announcements for information on the changes coming to global announcements

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

We've decided to focus our recent improvements to Global Announcements around editing (recently released to beta) and publishing to sub-accounts (currently in progress). Sorting Global Announcements by Live, Pending, and Past is a good idea but something we'll need to save for future enhancements. Going to archive this idea for now.

Community Team
Community Team
  Idea is currently in Product Radar Learn more about this stage...
Community Novice

Another option is to allow instructors to publish, unpublish & restrict dates of access, like in modules.  We should also be able to control the dates of availability, and whether or not the student sees those dates.  Lastly, we need to be able to sort our announcements by priority, and move them around the way we move items in other sections of Canvas, or by a drop down re-order option. Thank you.