[Gradebook] Have 0 point letter grades accurately reflect in Grades

Problem statement:

When an assignment is set up both to be worth 0 points, and to have letter grades entered, grades are saved in an unintuitive way, which results in a loss of data when attempting to rectify. Entering a letter grade into a 0 point assignment saves the entered score as 0 in the Grades area, but this 0 is not shown. An export of the Grades area does not export the letter grades shown to instructor and students, but instead exports as all Fs. If an instructor realizes they meant for the assignment to be worth points and updates the maximum value, the 0 is retained, and the grade data (previously entered grade) is lost. Once this data is lost, there is not a way to revert back to the previous grades without manually reentering. After working with multiple T2 Support technicians, they confirmed the following: It is the intention of the current design is to include 1. the lack of forewarning to an instructor that the grades being entered are actually 0’s 2. the inability to update a point total and maintain the letter grade assigned by the instructor 3. the loss of grade data as a feature during CSV export 4. the lack of data reversion when grade data is lost during point update

Proposed solution:

Unify presentation of front end UI, CSI export, and back and data to be the same, creating in a consistent experience.

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Added to Theme

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