[New Quizzes] Notification to Teacher(s) when Student uses all of their allotted Quiz Attempts

Problem statement:

When a student uses up all of their Quiz attempts, there is no notification to the Teacher within the students Section to alert them that the student need support. The onus should not be on the student to notify the teacher that they've used all their attempts. If the Student has used all of the attempts and still not passed, they clearly need support to achieve success. The Teacher needs to be notified and approach the Student, not the other way around.

Proposed solution:

When a Student uses up all of their allotted attempts for a quiz or assignment, and still has not achieved a passing mark, a notification should be sent to the Teacher(s) of that students section. This can pop up on the Teacher's "To Do" menu or even an email into the Teacher's inbox within Canvas. Somehow, the Teacher needs to be made aware automatically.

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