[Pages] Fix needed - unaware 'prerequisite' text is clickable

Problem statement:

when a student accesses a locked page that has pre-requisite , the 'pre requisite' text shows no indication it is clickable. So they can't see list of missing items they need to complete.. (if the list is collapsed). When I hover over the text, my cursor does not change to a 'hand' symbol like it does when hover over blue navigation links on left or 'previous' and 'next' buttons on page.

Proposed solution:

Make it easier to see list of prerequisite items automatically as a student, when landing on a page or assignment (this course as hidden the modules tab on purpose). Remove the need to expand / collapse missing items on pages and assignments.

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Screen Shot 2022-10-28 at 10.13.40 AM.png

Screenshot of the problem I am referring to. It isn't obvious that this text is clickable. So if it is collapsed, and the modules tab on left is not available.... then as a student, I have no idea what I need to complete or what is missing.

Community Member

Many state required certification programs that could otherwise be run through Canvas call for timers to insure learners are engaged for a specified minimum number of minutes, hours, etc.  Is anyone at Canvas working on adding a third party app that might accommodate these requirements by timing pages and other non-quiz related activities in a course?  I would be interested in using Canvas for an online driving school program in Texas.  I  am a certified Canvas user Professor at Collin College now, but I run a driving school as well. 

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