[People] Hide Inactive Enrollments on People Page

Student enrollments which have been set to the "inactive" status currently show up on the People page tagged with the "inactive" label. We are now using the inactive status for students who have enrolled in a course, then dropped it after the start of the term. In large enrollment courses, these inactive enrollments will begin to clutter the People page when there are many of them. Please provide a method for hiding inactive enrollments on the People page, perhaps similar to the way they are hidden by default in the Gradebook (and can be shown by selecting "Show Inactive Enrollments").

Community Contributor

Great analogy! I often have to resort to explaining things by: "remember when you gave tests on paper?"

Community Contributor

At Penn State faculty are pretty vocal in their support of this feature request.

Community Contributor

If you can get a few to vote it up, that will help too!

Community Contributor

That is the game plan  @fosterl ‌

Community Novice

I had a request to prove that I communicated regularly with my students and I would have liked to include the 30+ individuals who dropped my class at my suggestion in that summary. It is very hard to print off sent emails in canvas, but you can print off tallies of student contacts easier.

Community Novice

For gosh sake, please, please, please give me a way to hide the inactive students. 

Community Contributor

This is a big problem at our school too! I also noticed today that inactive students are not filtered out of the section rosters found under course settings either. Here's the feature idea I created for this: https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/12498-hide-inactive-students-in-section-enrollments-list 

Community Participant

UC Berkeley currently uses the "deleted" enrollment status when students drop a course, as this is the only option that fully revokes access to course materials and removes students from the roster. However, in the fall we learned that when students are re-enrolled in a course where their enrollment is "deleted", not all of their previous course information is restored (particularly group memberships and differentiated assignments assigned to them as individuals).

If we were able to use "inactive", we would avoid these particular issues. However, given the size of our university, including "inactive" students in the People roster alongside currently enrolled students would generate far too much clutter and unnecessary information for instructors. We continue to need a way to use the "inactive" status for dropped enrollments without displaying these alongside active students.

Community Novice

Also on the "moderate quiz" page!

Community Novice

#1 We need to be able to sort our "People" list in the same way we can the gradebook. I want to quickly see who has spent the most/least time in the course, as well as sorting the most recent activity to see who's falling behind.

#2 If the People list could be sorted and the student names could be a separate item from their enrollment status, we could potentially sort our student list based on status, sending the inactives to the bottom.

When you hover over the inactive tag, it says "This user is currently unable to access the course". So, why are they still on my list?