[Rich Content Editor] HTML Editor - Comment out tags

We cannot add Comment Out tags in the HTML Editor and need this ability to help designers edit home pages.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
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Community Member

This is a critical flaw in the HTML editor. Not only is it an important tool for developers to troubleshoot code, it also allows me, as someone assisting others who are not familiar with any level of coding, to leave instructions embedded in the page/ assignment/ etc., so that if they want to tweak things in some way, there are guides there for them. It's just plain common courtesy to anyone else that might come along and use that page. (Heck, well commented code should be REQUIRED of anything posted to the commons!)


Also... Can anyone tell me how the heck to post a NEW item on these forums?? 

Community Member

BTW, the worst part about how this functions, having not known that the VERY COMMON AND STANDARD <!-- --> tags weren't supported, is that the comment tags and everything in between simply get stripped out... (Totally rude...)

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Problem statement:

The Canvas editor strips comments from the html code, preventing their use.

Proposed solution:

We are using (successfully) fairly complicated html code to display menu links on one of our primary pages. It's very hard to find specific elements in the code. Allowing html comments () would provide a significantly improved html editing experience. I see others have posted on the web about this, but no real solutions have been added. It makes no sense why Canvas would not allow comments in the html code. Can someone explain the rationale or suggest how this can be enabled?

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Community Team
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Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
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Status changed to: Open