Boost Your Awareness About Academic Integrity


Hello everyone,

It is a monthly update from the Turnitin Team. Below you can find the most up-to-date information about training sessions, teachers' and students' resources for remote and distant learning/teaching, and a quiz to test your awareness of academic integrity.

The Disrupting Plagiarism: Building a Culture of Academic Honesty

In this resource pack, you may find various instructional resources that are ready to use in the classroom at different stages of the writing process. Upon usage of these resources, students will be able to: 

  • understand what plagiarism is, why it is problematic, and how they can work to avoid it. 
  • reflect on their work to find ways to avoid plagiarism and create their authentic work. 
  • demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.

The Disrupting Plagiarism (Teacher Guide) is available for download HERE.

Turnitin eBook: You're the Star of the Story


This eBook is a narrative approach to reframing academic integrity. You’ll learn to:

  • Humanize and center the student experience
  • Explore various role-playing scenarios around academic integrity through a choose-your-own-adventure format

Transform traditional disciplinary models into nurturing relationships & supportive learning

This ebook is perfect for a variety of readers — Instructors, Department Heads, Academic Integrity Officers, Directors of Online Learning, Instructional Designers — who are looking to shift perceptions around how to best support students' academic integrity journeys.

Please fill the form in to download the eBook: 

Quickly Boost Your Academic Integrity Know-How In Five Minutes

What is the level of academic integrity awareness currently at your institution? It never hurts to have a refresher on this crucial area every now and then.

Test your knowledge on all things related to education and integrity, from in-text citation skills to finding credible sources, with our quick online quiz. Once you've finished it, why not share with fellow instructors and students too?


VidBIT (Video Best Instructional Tips) Series: Understanding text similarity

Understanding text similarity for students

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This VidBIT explains to students the key factors that differentiate text similarity from plagiarism, how to avoid plagiarism and ensure their text similarity is appropriate, and what resources are available to help.




Understanding text similarity for instructors

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This video covers the key factors that differentiate text similarity from plagiarism, how to address intentional and unintentional plagiarism, and what resources are available to instructors to help students.



These are just some of the resources our team has produced. Find more of them on our website and blog. In case you need some extra product details, please send me a message. 

Take care and let me know if I can be of any assistance.