Essential Mobile Resources

Community Team
Community Team

Right now, there's a lot to balance, especially if you're moving a face-to-face class completely online. Canvas Mobile will allow you to access the Canvas features you need the most frequently efficiently and allow you to be more flexible with where, when, and how you access coursework. With three different apps, there's a lot of information available. We're going to do our best to collect the essentials for you to browse and then you can continue on with your teaching/learning/parenting experience.


Before going on, it's important to take a moment and share that all Canvas users, including those who use the Free For Teacher version, have access to the Canvas Mobile Apps. While users associated with an institution search for their school or enter the [institution] when signing-in, Free For Teachers use


At Instructurecon 2019, we presented Let's Role with Canvas Mobile‌ with the goal of helping others understand the different roles in Canvas that match up with the apps and features in the role-specific apps. You can watch our presentation, too: ‌.



Canvas Student

Canvas Student is designed especially for students. This app a great way to view class content and participate on-the-go.


Essential How-Tos




Canvas Teacher

Canvas Teacher is designed for instructors and faculty members. This app is a great way to publish/unpublish items, view student progress, grade/provide feedback, and make small adjustments to assignments when you're away from the computer.

Essential How-Tos



Canvas Parent

Canvas Parent is designed for family members or advisors who observe students. You'll use your observer credentials to sign-in to Canvas Parent.App users can set notifications on a per-student basis to keep notifications to the essentials and make it easier to see academic expectations and progress.

Essential How-Tos



There are so many resources and lessons we could share, but we hope that this provides you with a starting-point with Canvas mobile. If you have any questions, please ask! We'll do our very best to find a solution, direction, or connection. We keep a close eye out for new discussions in Canvas Mobile Users Group‌, and we watch for questions in Q & A‌. 


Mobile On!

 @KristinL  &  @rseilham 

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