Mobile Friendly Home Pages

Community Member

Welcome Page



Designers can spend hours on creating the perfect home page for a course, setting everything up just how they like it, then guess what, the student viewing it is using the app. How does that home page look on the app, chances are it scaled differently, or something moved. 


Creating a solid template and then adjusting the template to the needs of the course is a great way to make sure your homepage looks sharp across all devices, because when you find out students are primarily using their phones, you better engage them the same way as you would on the desktop.


Here are a couple of  mobile friendly CanvasLMS homepage templates I finished up.


Feel free to download in the Canvas Commons:

Welcome Page | Purple & Yellow color scheme:

Welcome Page | Red & Blue color scheme:


Many more to follow Smiley Happy


instructional_designer‌ instructional designers higher ed instructional design 


Community Champion

Thanks,  @amandathecarpen ‌, 

These are really great! I like the cleanliness of the colors and icons. I loaded them into a course and modified the icons to 50% height and width instead of pixels so they scale down a little more on mobile.


This is just preference though. Looks great and thanks for sharing! 

Community Contributor

Yes, thanks.  I will test these out in some practices courses that I demo for teachers / instructors. Great Work!

Community Participant

Hi @amandathecarpen thanks for sharing these - really interesting to see.

Just a question - we have to design the home page templates but the UX designer at our institution (UK university) has said that tables should only contain data/text, not images for accessibility reasons - I have not had a chance to ask him about icons.

As such, I am curious as to whether you used bootstrap or any other similar coding to do this? We're trying to figure out how to make the most engaging home page without making it difficult to customise for staff or to disadvantage any users of assistive technology.

Thanks again for your input here - much appreciated.
