A Quiz Marked Me as "Leaving the Canvas Page" When I Did Not.

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Community Novice

While taking a test on Canvas, I accidentally swiped up with three fingers instead of two (on my laptop, a two finger swipe up is scroll down, while a three finger swipe up is a "minimize"ish type thing that somewhat minimizes the window and you can see all other windows) and the instant I did this, I went back to the test and continued as if it never happened. When I submitted the quiz I received an email (which looks like it is a cookie cutter email sent by Canvas) that said I exited the quiz and that I must explain why I exited the tab to my teacher in the form of an Email. I explained the whole "finger swiping incident", but that appear to not be the problem.

According to Canvas, I exited (I do not know if this was the same time as the mouse swipe thing, could be a completely different event) for 2 minutes and 30 seconds. I did not do this. I'm not writing this as a way to complain about my grade (which I'm still fine with the giving point deduction) and trying to make a cover up. I want to know why and how it thinks I left for 2:30. My computer never went dark, I never changed a tab/window, I don't know. 

I found from another post "I understand that after 30 seconds of inactivity,  the log marks as stopped viewing the Canvas quiz" (linked below) and I was wondering if as I sat and looked at one of the particularly difficult questions, could it think I was inactive and there for mark me as "stopped viewing the Canvas quiz"? If so, is there any way to prove this? If it is true and there is not a way to prove it, is there another way to fix this problem without just me having to wiggle my mouse as I think?


4 Solutions
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello, willamdeye Welcome to the Canvas Community! I'm sorry this happened to you; it is certainly distressing. This is the first time I've heard of an auto-generated email being sent immediately upon the conclusion of a quiz, so it makes me wonder if there was proctoring software associated with the quiz: for example, did you need to launch a lockdown browser or another third-party tool (Proctorio, ProctorU, to name a few others) before starting the quiz? 

It would be helpful to see the email. If you could take a screenshot of the email, redact all personally identifying information from it, and then share it here, perhaps we can get closer to a solution.

Thanks. Be well.

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Community Novice

My bad, it seems cookie cutter, but it was a couple minutes after and sent by the teacher, now looking back on it it seemed like right after, but was not. Completely manuel human work.

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Thanks for clarifying that, William. Given that this is a highly specialized situation specific to your course, it isn't something we here in the Canvas Community can help troubleshoot, as there are too many variables to which our members don't have access. I recommend that you continue to discuss this with the teacher who flagged the activity. You can send them a message through the Canvas Inbox (How do I send a message to a user in a course in the Inbox as a student?‌). If, after initiating conversation, you find that you need additional evidence, the school's local Canvas admin can look at your activity during the period in question.

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