Add people

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No matter what I do I cannot find the add people button.  I've created the course, I've published.  I've created a start date but no where can I add a user or add people.

1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hi @AnnaDudley ...

Are you using the Free-for-Teachers version of Canvas, or does your school have a paid version of Canvas?  If you are using a paid version of Canvas, your school's local Canvas administrators may have disabled the ability for instructors to enroll students.  Many schools handle enrollments through their SIS (Student Information System) that connects to Canvas and handles things like course enrollments automatically.  This may be the case at your school.

This Guide is what you should be able to use to enroll students if allowed to do so.

How do I add users to a course? - Instructure Community (

Keep us posted on this...thanks!

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