[ARCHIVED] Canvas is not pulling a grade from MyOpenMath app correctly

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I actually use WAMAP, which is the Washington State precursor (think "beta" or "pilot") to MyOpenMath (MOM), but still its own, fully functioning entity, so the issue would be the same as if I were using MOM...

I have one student in one class for whom, on one assignment, their grade is 100% in MOM, but is being recorded as a 0 in Canvas.

All the other grades for this student and all the other students in the course are being correctly recorded.

The MOM guru (with whom I went to grad school! - my brush with fame) told me this about the situation:

"Well, it has the info needed to send back a grade, so WAMAP would have tried to send it back.  I just tried triggering a resend, and it did correctly get added to the send queue.

"I checked the grade sending queue before triggering a resend and after, and both times their results did not return as failures, meaning they were sent to Canvas and Canvas accepted them.  

"If the grade got sent to Canvas and Canvas accepted it, there's nothing more I can do on this end."

I have also tried various combinations of assigning points to the student's attempt (although he already had 100%) and "resubmitting" to see if it would force Canvas to recognize a change and record the score. This has worked before when a score was recorded, and the student improved their score, but Canvas wasn't reporting the corrected score.

I'm so very glad this is only happening to one student - that I know of; I'm going to have to compute their grade by hand at the end of the quarter, so I'm glad not to have to do that for everyone. But they can't see what their correct grade is just now (perhaps in another message some day I'll vent about that, but not here). 

Can anyone help me diagnose what's going on, and better, fix it?

MOM‌ #LTI#gradebook#gradebook problems#WAMAP#MyOpenMath#myopenmath

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