Concluded Course

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Can students still see their grades, rubrics, my comments when a class is concluded?  (I have not checked the box below the date of conclusion but want some way to make sure).

1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi Donna King,

Whether or not students still have access (read-only) to see their previous courses depends on the settings in your college's Canvas. Some schools let students still see (read-only access) their courses after the term ends.

view term details

How do term dates, course dates, and section dates work in Canvas? 

As you noted, you can set other course dates (if permitted in your Canvas):

view course dates

From the Guide:

To override the term dates, select the Students can only participate in the course between these dates checkbox [2]. This checkbox ensures that students can only participate in the course between the specified dates. Outside these dates, the course is in a read-only state for students and observers.

If you want students to only see their grades and comments, do nothing, leave everything as is and allow the college Canvas policy to take over.

If you want students to be able to still submit work or take quizzes, then check the box.

And of course when in doubt the person to contact is your college's Instructional Technologist who is probably the Canvas Admin setting the term access. Distance Education at Irvine Valley College.

Hope these resources answer your question,
Cheers - Shar

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