[ARCHIVED] Concluded Enrollment in Attendance Roll Call Report?

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Do the students that are part of Concluded Enrollment still appear in the Attendance Roll Call Report?

I keep a manual recording of anything that I must submit with my gradebook at the end of the term.  When a student drops the course, they still appear in the Canvas gradebook by selecting the check mark next to Concluded Enrollment in the Canvas Gradebook.  If I miss manually recording a grade for them before they drop, I can still obtain that grade by viewing the Concluded Enrollment.  This semester, I will be using the Attendance feature.  I wanted to make certain that if I missed making a manual recording of a dropped student's attendance, I will still be able to obtain that student's attendance report.  I will be required to submit attendance when submitting my final gradebook.

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1 Solution
Community Champion


I just tested his out and here is what I found.  As you probably guessed if a student's enrollment is concluded you wont see them in the list of people when taking attendance.  But if you run an attendance report the concluded people will show up in the export.  


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