Delete gradebook column (not assignment)

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How do I delete a column that I didn't create in gradebook?  I have a column called "imported assignments" which I did not add, nor do I import assignments, yet it's there. This is NOT an assignment to remove (I know how to remove that)--it's a ghost column that I don't want or need. 

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi  @bwaggens ...

Go to your "Assignments" index page in your course, and you should see an assignment group called "Imported Assignments".  This is typically added to a course if assignments have been imported from one course to my experience.  Assuming that you don't have any assignments within this assignment group, go ahead and delete it...which will remove that column from the Gradebook.  This is covered at the bottom of How do I add an assignment group in a course?.  You may need to move any assignments that are in "Imported Assignments" to a different group before deleting that assignment group, though.

I hope this helps, Beth.  Sing out if you have any questions.  Stay safe, and be well.

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