Edited grades not syncing to SIS

Community Contributor

We use Skyward as our SIS, and have had a lot of issues this fall since the upgrade this summer with grade passback. Some have been figured out, but new ones keep cropping up. Here is our latest.

A teacher syncs grades to Skyward. For one of many reasons, they change a few students' grades in Speedgrader. The new scores show there. The teacher goes to resync the grade. In the past, this would overwrite the scores in Skyward and put the new score in. Now, nothing will override the initial score, which is causing some major issues for teachers and for kids' and parents' anxiety. (For example, something is synced on accident before a question is hand-graded, resulting in a low score that the teacher thought was overridden on the resync. Cue the panicked emails and phone calls!)

Is anyone else having this issue? Is there a way to make it sync the most recent grades?

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