[ARCHIVED] Emails to students through the Canvas Grade Book

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One of the aggravating issues I have experienced with Canvas is that an instructor is not able to send an email to any student or group of students directly from the Canvas grade book.  I understand there have been some changes made in the grade book that should be taking place this January.  Will we as instructors have a means to send an email message directly to a specific student or group of students through the grade book?

Dan Cain

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Hello dannycain...

In the New Gradebook, you can follow the directions in this Guide: How do I send a message to students from the New Gradebook?.

However, I want to clarify something related to your question.  You mention the word "email" a few times in your question.  Canvas does not have e-mail.  It has messaging via the Canvas Inbox.  Even though all user accounts in Canvas require having an e-mail address tied to an account, the way students choose to receive messages via Canvas can vary greatly from one person to the next.  This is all controlled by individual students in their "Notifications" screen.  https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-10624-4212710344  Students can choose how they want to be notified (e-mail, text message to cell phone, Twitter, etc.) and then set the frequency of those notifications.  So, it is entirely possible that a student may choose to only get notified of Canvas events via text message and have all e-mail notifications turned off...while at the same time another student may want to have e-mail notifications turned on for some things and not other things.  It's all a matter of personal preference.  So, even though you may want to send a message through the New Gradebook, your students will most likely receive that message in a variety of ways (not just e-mail) depending on their own personal settings.  I hope this helps, Danny.

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