File upload assessment submission not working

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Students simply unable to upload word or google documents. As usual I have no idea what the problem is. 

1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hello @MichaelSkipp …

Thank you for also including the screenshot with your question.  When you set up that particular assignment in your Canvas course, it looks like you wanted to only specify certain file types, correct?  From what I’ve gathered, you may have typed in “word and google doc”.  If this is what you did, this is not the way to do it.  When you type in “word and google doc”, Canvas thinks that you are asking your students to submit a file with the extension “.word and google doc”.  And, as you probably know, that’s not a valid file extension.  What you should be typing in this box instead is something like:

doc,docx,gdoc  (Note: I had to search Google to see what file extension Google Documents has … which is gdoc.)

…or whatever file extensions you want to allow students to submit.  There is an example of how to specify the file types below the text box where you add those file extensions.  Or you can also look at the section on “Restrict File Types” in this Guide: How do I create an online assignment?.

I hope this information will be of some help to you.  Please let Community members know if you have any other questions about this…thank you.

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