[ARCHIVED] Help with unpublishing a quiz

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I created a few quizzes and wanted to see what they looked like as a student.  (I am using the regular quizzes NOT the New Quizzes) I was unable to do this unless I published the quiz which I did.  I then took the quiz as a test student just to get a feel for how the process worked and how it looked on both the student and teacher end.

Now I want to unpublish the quiz so it does not show up for my other students when I  begin to add them to the course but it says I can't do that because the quiz was already submitted.  So I deleted the test student but I am still unable to unpublish the quiz.

When I click on the quiz I would like to unpublish, and I click on the 3 little dots next to edit, there is a drop down menu that includes "show student quiz results".  Underneath that it says "0 students  submitted so far"  I thought that by deleting the test student, it deleted the whole history of that student.

Can anyone help me?  I just need to unpublish the quizzes.  Thank you in advance!  

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1 Solution
Community Champion


Deleting or removing a student from a course does not delete their data. If you put them back in the course their data comes right back.  But with the test student you do have the option to Reset it which should wipe out all of the data.  Try this:

Click on Student view

In the pink bar at the bottom of the page click the Reset Student button

Leave student view and see if you can now unpublish the quiz. 

I just tested the process and it worked for me.


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