[ARCHIVED] How are admins pulling data together, outside of what is available through the 'New Analytics' piece?

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I'd like to be able to export data from my course (not for credit course in Canvas if that's helpful), see video views, determine how often links have been clicked on, etc. It seems to be that my needs are more specific than what 'New Analytics' is allowing me to see at this point. Any help is appreciated!

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Hi Taylor, 

You can download, if your user has access to, the Canvas Data and the Account admin reports.

Just be careful with the Request table, it's very large and tricky to work with.

You can learn more here: What is Canvas Data Services? / How do I view reports for an account? 

Hope it helps!


Alexandre S.

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Community Champion


There is an access report for each user in each course. Canvas just recently added a report that will allow an admin to download the access report for all courses, but only up to the last month (if you tell it longer, it changes it to the last month). It is under Admin > Settings > Reports > User Course Access Log. User Course Access Log Report 

The Access report includes the same information shown in Canvas, but not all of the information that is available. In particular, Canvas keeps track of the first visit or participation but doesn't show it. I wrote a script that will download that data as a CSV, but it needs ran within Canvas for each course that you want the information for. Obtaining and using Access Report data for an entire course 

Videos are a different story. There's no easy way to get that information out. If each video is on separate page, the access report will show that they accessed the page, but not that they watched the video. If you have the video linked as an external URL as a module item, it will show up in the access report. If you have the video linked or embedded within a content page or an assignment, you're mostly out of luck.

If you are using Canvas Studio, you can get the insights for each user, but I haven't found the way to automate this yet, so I'm limited to going through each user one at a time. I did write a script that intercepted the ajax call and wrote the data to a database server I was running, but it only works when I log into Studio directly and not through Canvas.

Canvas Data doesn't have much of what you're wanting unless you use the requests table. As  @Alexandre_Sch  mentioned, it's huge and tricky.

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