How do I add the "Teacher" role onto a user?

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Community Novice

How do I add a "Teacher" role onto a newly created user?  Institutional Account, not free.

Under people I see that I can search by role such as "Teacher", but I do not find where I can add the Teacher Role onto the newly created user.  The user has already authenticated/accepted the account.  They do not have the ability to click on +Course link to create course. I am an Admin in the Admin group. I can create courses.

Should I have been in the Teacher group drop down on the Admin/People tab before I created the users?

1 Solution

Hi Adam and welcome to the Community!

Users in Canvas do not have roles outside of their identity in a specific course.  You can create user roles at the account level but people will only have these roles within a specific course, not across all courses.  You may be a student in one course and a teacher in the next.  Does that make sense?

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