[ARCHIVED] How to NOT use percentages at all in Grader????

Community Novice
There are just too many instructions and info and I can't follow ... but I already know Canvas grader and watched the great video... so have very good idea about the changes.
One question that I hope you have good answer for... (I know horrible grammar!):
I do NOT use percentages when I grade. NOT. Only points... and the points move all thru the semester because I add and change things ... like in life!
Can I get the percentage thingie to turn off??? In the old one, there was just one column of it and I was told it cannot be turned off (I am at College of the Desert, CA). What about now... can it? Because in the video, there were some 3-5 columns of percentages and my students will either panic and bother me over and over ... or just give up!!
Is this the only place I get an answer? Can you also cc my email so I can get the answer while away from computer but with phone? Email is user name: arlette@powerthinking.us
Thanks, again.
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