[ARCHIVED] Is it true that after 10 conferences will have to pay a fee? My students have been stressed enough without adding another site to go to

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Do I have to apy for blue button after 10 conferences in my class? Lindagoodrich731@gmail.com or 713.366.1698

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1 Solution
Community Champion


When you start to create a conference, there is a message that answers your question. The limitation is 10 concurrent conferences within an institution, not 10 conferences over time at the individual level.

The route to upgrade to premium is by contacting the Canvas customer success manager, which is something your Canvas admin would have to do, not something that individuals do.

Here's the message that pops up when I start to create a conference.

Canvas Conferences is a free service provided by BigBlueButton.

If your institution is likely to need more than 10 concurrent Conferences powered by BigBlueButton, we recommend upgrading to Premium BigBlueButton or exploring alternative conferencing solutions Canvas partners with, such as Zoom, Hangouts, Teams, and other video conferencing tools who are offering free or discounted services. Learn More.

Not all of these services may be supported by your institution. Please contact your local admin for more information.

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