[ARCHIVED] Is there a way to only show ungraded assignments in gradebook?

Community Novice

Can it be done? My courses have many assignments and so the Gradebook has many columns, most of them empty or already graded. Currently, I have to scroll right to find ungraded assignments and open them in speed grader by individual assignment.

Two big things that would help my life, and I have to imagine everyone else's as well:

1. make a Gradebook view that hides anything graded, unsubmitted, or worth 0 (i.e., only show what's turned in but ungraded)

2. make a Speed Grader view/function to show all ungraded assignments, not just one assignment's submissions (i.e., don't make me find an assignment to grade, grade all of those, go back to the Gradebook, find the next, open in Speed Grader, go back to Gradebook ...)

These enhancements would mean I could (1) very quickly view everything waiting for my attention and (2) truly speed grade everything that's due from one list.

Maybe this is already there?


#gradebook view speed grader options ‌#quickly show ungraded #quickly grade ungraded

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