[ARCHIVED] Quizzes - Display correct answers ONLY after some date/time

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I give online quizzes. I want the students to only see the correct answers after some date/time and only if they have attempted the quiz. I do not understand how to do this. My configuration looks like this

quiz config

I thought this would let students see the answers only after Aug 29, 11:30, if they have taken the quiz, but they see them immediately.

Of course, now students can talk to each other and tell each other what the answers are, so this is useless.

How do I restrict the date?

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2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

 @arne_schwettman , I'll preface all of this by saying that Quiz settings can be confusing and I recommend checking out this document to help better understand them - https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-3313-quiz-settings-to-maximize-security?sr=search&searchId=...‌. That being said, given your settings student's will be able to see the quiz questions, quiz answer options, the answer option they selected and if they got the answer incorrect. They would not see which answer was the correct answer until August 29 at 11:30, but given that they know which questions ones they got right and which they got wrong it's not hard to deduct. The only way to prevent this is to uncheck the box that says "Let students see their quiz responses" and not check it or anything under it until you want students to see the answers. Also, as a default, students who haven't taken the quiz will NEVER see the answers to the quiz. In fact, there is no way to let students who didn't take the quiz see the answers to the quiz.

Hope this helps!

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Community Member

Is this problem resolved? I have the same exact problem. Canvas Quiz simply does not respect or save my set date/time for this feature (Show Correct Answers at). It's odd because all the other features involving setting a date works (Due, Available Until etc.)

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