Randomize Overall Quiz Questions Using Multiple Question Groups

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Hello - 
We are still using Classic Quizzes. I have a teacher who is using question groups to randomize the questions on his quiz.


4 question banks, each one focused on a certain topic, let's say "Topic A," "B," "C," "D"
Pull 5 questions from each bank, randomizing the chosen questions via the use of question groups

He wants to then be able to randomize all of the questions in the resultant quiz. So, for example, he does not want all of the questions about "A" to be together, followed by all of the questions about "B."

I don't see any way of doing this. Anyone have any ideas?


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1 Solution
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Community Team

Hi @nlatimer ...

It sounds like you're asking about randomizing groups of randomized questions.  I'm not aware this can be done in classic quizzes.  And, unfortunately, I'm not coming up with any work-arounds that may work for your needs.  As you probably know, there isn't much work (or any at all) being done on classic quizzes any more...and the focus is now more on New Quizzes.  (I'm not sure that your scenario can even be done in New Quizzes...as we do not have New Quizzes turned on our in environment.)

Sorry that I don't have better news for you, but I hope this helps to answer your question.  Be well.

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