[ARCHIVED] Regarding files

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Community Novice

For some reason when I log into canvas and click on my class, I click files my files will not pop up and I'm not sure why. It seems like it only does this on my laptop. Never had this problem before. It's important that I view my slides and it's all under files.

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1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi  @kazzam  Welcome to the Canvas Community. This is only a guess, but maybe it is a pop-up blocker. While I'm not positive that that Canvas DocViewer is treated as a pop-up for the browser, it's behavior is certainly similar enough to one to cause me to think that may be it.  Check over this online lesson: How do I allow pop-ups for Canvas in my browser?  If that does not help, head here: Which browsers does Canvas support? and not only check that your browser is updated, but also look over what that page mentions about certain security settings.  And finally, just as a precaution, clear your browser's cache, as cover here: How do I clear my browser cache on a PC? and here: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-10708-67952720330  Browsers (and security settings) are ever-changing, and hopefully one these helps, Khoula!  In the meantime, you can always download files by right-clicking over the link and then Save link as... (or the similarly-worded option on your browser.)

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