Scholastic/Canvas LTI Integration

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Many of my teachers subscribe to the Scholastic Classroom Magazines. I am following Scholastic's directions on how to add the LTI integration to Canvas, but having no success. After adding the App with the key, secret, and launch URL per the directions, we can locate the app in the external tool menu in an assignment. However, it shows up as the sad face (see screenshot). Any advice? 


1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello there,  @lgdarnay ...

Full disclosure...I have never used that LTI app before, so I don't know how well it may or may not integrate with Canvas.  Since Scholastic is a third-party integration, have you reached out to them to see if they can provide any support for your Canvas environment?  I would recommend clicking on that "Contact" button at the bottom of the page you've included in your posting to see if you can get some guidance there.  If you do find a solution, please come back to this posting to let Community members case anyone else has a similar question.  Thanks much!  Stay safe, be well.

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