[ARCHIVED] Share Discussions (including replies) Across Courses

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I had a teacher ask me this:

"Is it possible to share a discussion (with all the replies) across courses? I teach an elective with 3 grades in it and they are all separate courses. I just want to be able to show 6th graders what 7th graders are doing/discussing or 8th to 7th, etc. without having to manually copy and paste replies from one course discussion to another."

Is this possible? Not just copying across different courses, but actually having the discussion be between these courses? I wasn't aware of any way to do this, and I didn't see anything here or in the guides. Thoughts?

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi,  @jhough ‌, it is not possible to share one course's discussion to another course, and a shared discussion of this nature would most certainly run afoul of FERPA.

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