[ARCHIVED] Single Spacing?

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How can I get a poem I'm including in a quiz to be single spaced? I'm getting an error message that the poem (only 350 words) has too many characters. I've copied/pasted from a doc that is single spaced and it still double spaces.

Thank you.

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Good morning,  @cathy_edmonds ...

If you are copying and pasting text from a MS Word document into the Canvas RCE (Rich Content Editor), it may add a lot of rogue HTML code to your page that's really unnecessary.  And, it may make your poem look double-spaced in Canvas.  One thing to try is to open up the Notepad program on your computer (assuming you are using a Windows-based PC).  3 Ways to Open Notepad - wikiHow  With Notepad open, copy the text from your Word document and paste it into Notepad.  You may have to do a bit of formatting in Notepad to remove spaces between lines in your poem.  Once you've got the spacing worked out... copy the text from Notepad, and paste it into Canvas.  Essentially what we're doing here is removing all the unneeded HTML code before pasting it Canvas.

Another option would be to try out the instructions I've listed in this blog post: HTML Cleanup.

Finally, if you type anything by hand into Canvas, you can always use the SHIFT+ENTER option on your keyboard to single-space to a new line.

I hope these resources will be of help to you, Catherine.  Please let me know if you have any questions...thanks!

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