[ARCHIVED] Submitting video material

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How can students submit video taped material.

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1 Solution
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Hi Katherine! There are multiple ways students can do this! Here are some solutions we've used at my institution.

  • Use the Media Recorder. This generally works just fine, but we've had issues with students with slower/rural Internet connections. There's no progress bar for the upload, so students with slower connections thought it was frozen and panicked. Higher speed connections work fine!
  • Use Panopto. We've had a lot of success with using Panopto for student submissions, but you may or may not have access to this. Check with your eLearning department (or whoever manages your Canvas) to see if they have more information on what kinds of video tools you've got!
  • Use YouTube. When all else fails, using YouTube to host video works great. Students can set their videos to unlisted/private (so no one else can find them) and just send you the link!

All the best,

Danielle Casey

eLearning Program Coordinator

Lower Columbia College

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