[ARCHIVED] What am I getting my associates in so I can update my resume

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I lost my paperwork that I received when I first begin school to receive my associates. My question is what am I actually receiving my associates in?

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Community Champion

Congratulations  @skingks75  and Welcome to the Canvas Community!

You've asked your question on the world-wide Canvas community board and we are not affiliated with Ross College. You can probably email one of the Staff with your question or contact your instructor who can guide you to the correct answer.

Select the Ask Your Instructor a Question option instead of Ask the Community option in the help menu.

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And once again congratulations on all your hard work and dedication in pursuing higher education! You'll make a great medical professional who is willing to go the extra mile to get the right answer. Smiley Happy

All the best to your success,
Cheers - Shar

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