[ARCHIVED] When Cross-listing do you have to build the second class

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I will be teaching two sections of the same class.   I want to cross-list the two sections.  Do I have to build the second class completely?

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Community Team
Community Team

Hi  @ttragus ...

When you cross-list to courses that have two different Course ID numbers (Example: https://SchoolName.instructure.com/courses/12345 and https://SchoolName.instructure.com/courses/12346), all the enrollments from one of those courses get fed into the other course.  Once you've cross-listed the two courses, you really don't have access to the other course at all because your enrollment has moved.  So, to answer your question, you would really only need to build content in the course that contains the enrollments.  Here's more information on cross-listing courses: How do I cross-list a section in a course as an instructor? and How do I de-cross-list a section in a course as an instructor?.

I hope this will be of help to you, Eugene.  Please let Community members know if you have any other questions about this.  Take care...stay safe...be well.

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