Which category in notification settings?

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Community Novice

I am getting daily emails and don't want them. However when I go to notification settings, there doesn't seem to be an obvious category for the emails I get. They are always worded like this: 

"You're signed up to receive a daily report of some notifications from your Canvas account. Below is the report for [date]:

[name] accepted the course invitation

[name] just accepted invitation to participate in the course, [name of course]. Course role: Teacher"

The course itself is not something I set up, I'm just a member of it and it is of no importance to me who else is on it, so I don't need to see this information at all. 

Please can someone tell me which category of notification settings I have to reset so that I don't get these emails every day. 

1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hello there,  @philip_irwin ...

When you are logged in to your Canvas account, go to "Account" >> "Notifications".  At the bottom of the screen, you should see a heading for "Alerts".  You should have a row for "Administrative Notifications".  If you hover your mouse over that text, you'll see the following:

Instructor and Admin only:

  • Course enrollment
  • Report generated
  • Content export
  • Migration report
  • New account user
  • New student group

The one I've highlighted in blue, I *think*, is the one that would control those notifications you are getting...so you should be able to change your notifications to get them less frequently.  Page 15 of the Canvas Notifications PDF file describes this in a bit more detail.  (This PDF file is also linked in the blue box of this Guide: How do I set my Canvas notification preferences as an instructor?)

I hope this helps, Philip.

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