Zoom and Sections

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Zoom and Groups.  I have 3 sections under 1 course.  Each of these sections are a separate and totally different class.  I would like to meet with each section through Zoom.  However if I click on 1 section, then the zoom meeting is schedule for the other 2 sections and I don'w want that.  I want 3 separate Zoom sessions.

2 Solutions
Community Team
Community Team

Hello there,  @susan_eckerle ...

I'm assuming that your school has integrated Zoom into your school's Canvas courses.  Canvas is a Learning Management System, and Zoom is a video conferencing application...two completely different kinds of software.  Even though Zoom may be integrated into your Canvas course(s), it does not know what a "section" is as defined by Instructure (the people that make Canvas).  So, the best thing I can recommend is that you set up different Zoom meetings for each of your sections ... and maybe name those Zoom sessions based on the sections in your course.  You could even password protect each of the Zoom meetings and only give the password to the appropriate people in each of those sections...so they aren't entering the meetings by accident.

Do you think this solution would work for your needs?

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I disagree that this is a Zoom feature rather than a Canvas feature. True Zoom doesn't "know" anything about who is invited to a meeting, but that doesn't really matter. Canvas is the one responsible for displaying available meetings to students, sending email announcements when new meetings are created, and adding them to the course calendar, not Zoom. There should be an option to assign meetings to specific sections, groups, or individuals just as you can with assignments.

I'm having the same issue where I teach a course consisting of 10 sections all meeting online via Zoom. If students from all 10 sections are receiving notifications about meetings from every other section and all sections' meetings show up on the course calendar, the Zoom integration is basically useless and causes much more confusion than it resolves.

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