courses disappeared

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I cross-listed some sections of two of my groups.... I created a new "course" (Archive) to send the lists into it. I just thought that way I could put away some of the sections from my course, keeping only the ones of the groups of the next teaching period (Which I created in advance) But I guess I cross-listed the sections with the contents of the courses, because the two of my courses disappeared from the dashboard. Those are the ones I am teaching this period so I would like to know if there's a way I can get them back and not to have to re-create them. I thank anyone who can tell me what to do in this case. (I am not the administrator of the CANVAS account and that might have something to do with it... I would appreciate any help) Thank you! Greetings!

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Good morning, @igarcia_usms ...

When you cross-list two courses together, you are essentially moving the enrollments (from the "People") page from one course into the other course.  Cross-listing courses together does not move course content.  So, for example if you have two courses, A and B, and you want to cross-list them together so that all enrollments for both courses flow into course A, I would typically log in to course B and follow the directions in this Guide to complete the cross-list: How do I cross-list a section in a course as an in... - Instructure Community.  If you had a third course, C, you would log into that course and then cross-list that into course A using the same method.  Once you finish the cross-listing, you can log into course A, go to the "People" page, and you'll see all instructors/students listed their own sections.  Since all enrollments have essentially moved into course A, you would no longer see course B (or C) on your Canvas Dashboard or on your "Courses" >> "All Courses" list.

If this is not what you wanted, then you can de-cross-list your courses using this Guide: How do I de-cross-list a section in a course as an... - Instructure Community.  This will return everything back to how it was originally set up...with enrollments in their own separate courses.

I hope this will be of some help to you.  Let Community members know if you have any other questions about this...thanks!

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