extremely large icons

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Community Novice

When accessing CANVAS all I see are exceptionally large icons.

I did clear my browsing history, check to ensure that I had not "zoomed" and re-started my laptop.  I had no difficulty accessing the site last evening.  I am an instructor preparing to teach all classes in an online format due to the pandemic.  I have included a screenshot.  I am using Google Chrome Version 80.  And I am accessing CANVAS through satellite internet (as I did last evening).


1 Solution

Sorry to hear that,  @kbachhuber1 ‌. As you saw in the blog, there are quite a few variables that could account for this—so if you've already gone through the cache and browser history clearing and have tried a different browser (I also use Chrome, but Firefox also works well with Canvas), please ask Canvas Support to have a look at your account to identify why this is occurring: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-12877-how-do-i-get-help-with-canvas-as-an-instructor provides the general contact methods, but your school may have customized their menu so as to keep support at the local level, in which case please use the support pathway designated by the school.

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