[ARCHIVED] "Sequential Order" after students have started a module

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When editing a module, if I select the box that says "students must move through requirements in sequential order," will it force students who have already completed some of the assignments to complete them again before moving on?

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Community Champion

Renee, this is true in your testing with the test student, but it gives a very false sense of what happens in reality.

Students do not need to repeat items they have already completed. However, if the requirements have changed and the student hadn't actually completed it before, then they may think they are repeating it.

For example, if a module has (1) study guide (mark as complete), (2) honor statement (submit assignment), and (3) exam (score at least 0) in it and there was requirements did not have to be completed in sequence, then the student could have looked at the study guide and moved on to the other stuff and perhaps even submitted the honor statement. 

Once the sequential requirements are enforced, they would not be able to go through and look at the honor guide until they looked at the study guide and marked it as done.They might think they completed it because they looked at it, but they didn't because they didn't mark it as done. However, once they marked the study guide as done, the requirement for the honor statement would already be fulfilled because they had submitted it, and they would be allowed to go on to the exam.

To verify this, I went in as a student in a test instance and checked out a module. This is a module where sequential completion of requirements was required.


I changed the Study Guide from "Mark as Done" to "Contribute to the page." Making this change required me to "Relock" the module. This is what it looks like now for the student. Notice that everything else past that is still complete, even though they cannot get to it.


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