[ARCHIVED] where do i find student email addresses?

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where do i find student email addresses?

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello  @lbur ...

I believe the ability to see student e-mail addresses on the "People" page of your course is a permission setting that is configured by your school's local Canvas administrator or someone from your school's Online Learning/eLearning department.  I'm basing this off of p. 24 in the attached PDF file which is linked in the blue box at the top of this Guide: Canvas Administrator Guide: How do I set permissions for a course-level role in an account?.  There may be other ways outside of Canvas that you can obtain student e-mail addresses at your school, so you might want to check with someone at your school to see if this is a possibility (assuming that you are not able to see those e-mail addresses in Canvas).

I hope this helps, Louise.  Please let Community members know if you have any further questions.  Be well...stay safe.

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